During cataract surgery, a small ultrasonic probe is inserted into the eye which breaks up, or emulsifies, the cloudy lens into tiny pieces and gently sucks, or aspirates, those pieces out of the eye. Phaco surgery requires a small incision of only 2.8 mm or less. To make your procedure as painless as possible, anesthesia is a combination of local and/or topical along with IV sedation.
With the recent advance of foldable IOLs, artificial lenses can be implanted through the same small incision that is created in the phaco procedure. These IOLs are made of a flexible material, allowing them to be folded for implantation. Once inside the eye, the lens unfolds and returns to its original shape.
Lens Implants
Tecnis™ Lens and Alcon Multi-focal Lenses
Cataract surgery, which replaces the eye’s cloudy lens with an artificial clear lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL), is the most common operation in the U.S. More than half of adults over age 65 have some degree of cataract development. People 65 and older are also more likely to be involved in car crashes than people in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Now an innovative night vision-enhancing IOL can help elderly drivers with cataracts avoid accidents.
The Tecnis and Alcon multi-focal IOLs were designed to provide cataract surgery patients with high-quality vision comparable to that of young people. It is meant to improve functional vision – the ability to see objects in varying light conditions – especially at night and twilight and in rain, snow and fog. This means improved night vision and reduction of spherical aberrations, an undesirable scattering of light that is a common side effect of cataract surgery.
In tests, drivers 65 and older wearing a acrylic Tecnis™ lens were able to recognize objects faster, improving their braking response time by half a second and stopping about 60 feet shorter than drivers wearing traditional acrylic lenses. For more information on Tecnis™ Lens and Alcon Multi-focal lenses, click here.
Multifocal Presbyopic Correcting Lens Implants
Dr. Foreman has been using flexible Acrysof® IOLs for years to replace the eye’s cloudy lens during cataract surgery and help patients enjoy clear vision again.
Technis® Symfony IOL
The latest addition to the TECNIS® Family of IOLs offers new optical technology for providing an Extended Range of Vision.
Traditional IOL solutions for treating presbyopia include Multifocals and Trifocals, which work on the principle of simultaneous vision by splitting light into multiple distinct foci, and Accommodative IOLs, which change in shape and power when the ciliary muscle contracts.
Traditionally with these technologies, the correction of presbyopia is commonly thought of in terms of the distinct distance for which functional vision is provided.
For more information on Tecnis Symfony IOL see https://www.tecnisiol.com/eu/.
Alcon ReSTOR® Lens
Built on the AcrySof® IQ IOL platform ,AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® presbyopia-correcting IOLs deliver the same BioMaterial, BioMechanics and, BioOptics benefits you’ve come to expect from this industry-leading portfolio of lenses. IPlus they are designed to reduce dependence on spectacles over a range of distances.