Foreman Eye Care is rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 12 ratings.
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LASIK EYE SURGERY is proven, but your innovative and personal way of delivering the procedure to your patients, is what puts you as a provider of LASIK EYE SURGERY in a premier class of your own. Thank you again for eliminating my eye concerns, and giving me back the sight I had in my younger years.
Hello! My name is Josh, and I had the worst eyes you could imagine. When my cousin told me about LASIK surgery I was amazed at the thought of being able to see without my coke bottle glasses or contacts.
Well, I decided to have the surgery done and when Dr. Foreman told me I could probably get to 20/25 I was in shock. Well the surgery came and went with absolute 100% victory. I had good vision again for the first time since I was in the third grade. I can see that pretty girl walking away from a distance, or see that baseball I could never see before. Take it from me if the surgery could work for me, it would work for you!
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